
March 10, 2021 Uncategorized

We have some news to share:
Our hygienist Michelle has decided to step away from our office and spend more of her time at Algonquin College teaching in the Dental Hygiene Program. You may on occasion still see Michelle in the office as she will continue with us whenever possible but we are thrilled to announce the addition of Kendall to our hygiene team. Kendall will take over care of Michelle’s clients.
We know that you join us in wishing Michelle all the best in her next adventure. The hygiene students will benefit from her passion, leadership, skill and knowledge.

Dr Sara Syed & Dr Sannan Sohail
(613) 746-6666


January 9, 2020 Uncategorized

With News Year’s Day has come and gone, now is the time to sit down and do some powerful self-reflection on what the next year holds for you. As oral health experts, we always include oral care resolutions to our list of New Year’s Resolutions. Rather than simply committing to go to the gym and eat a balanced diet, perhaps consider improving your oral health as a part of starting your year off right? Our team has made a dream list of resolutions for your oral health.

Review your dental habits: Take a few minutes to sit down and consider your current dental home care. Bonus points if you do this with your whole family. Note how your teeth feel on a regular basis, if certain foods trigger sensitivities, what habits you have that might be negatively impacting your teeth, how often you brush and floss and anything else that impacts your oral health.
Pre-schedule your annual dental visits: Pull out the calendar and call your dentist to book your recommended preventative cleanings, outstanding fillings, or other dental treatments that may have been put on the back-burner for you and your family. Lock it into your schedule now and know that you have already taken the first step to great oral care this year.
Floss daily: We can’t count the number of times people visit our clinic and tell us that they just keep forgetting to floss. Set up a flossing chart in your bathroom or design a family challenge to floss together once a day. It only takes a few minutes, this will have incredible benefits for your teeth and gums for a lifetime.
Brush twice a day: While most people already do this, many people get into their own habit of only brushing once a day. Give yourself the resolution of brushing twice a day – once every morning and once before bedtime every night.

When it comes to making new year’s resolutions that actually stick, we recommend that start by simply writing each of your resolutions down somewhere that you can see them every single day. Next, tell people about them and ask these friends of family members to hold you accountable for your decisions. Finally, set your resolutions up just like you would if you were doing a 30-day challenge at your gym and reward yourself with something every time you achieve your 30 days of success (like an electric toothbrush?).

Call us at 613-746-6666 or email us at now to book your cleanings and start the year off right!

Happy New Year from everyone on our team here at Dr. Sara Syed Dentistry!


December 11, 2019 Uncategorized

The holidays are full of festivities and food! From tasty holiday treats to comforting cocktails, there are more than enough temptations to trigger tooth pain during and after the holiday season. As per the Ontario Dental Association, here are four primary things to look out for when it comes to your teeth and the holiday season: 

Sugar: Sticky, sugary foods that tend to be at every social occasion and in everyone’s pantry this time of the year can promote a breeding ground for bacteria inside your mouth, creating acid and harming the enamel that protects your teeth. Be especially aware of candies that are sticky and chewy which might paste sugars right onto your teeth and candies that are hard and can risk breaking your teeth.

Starches: Pies and cakes and even freshly baked breads tend to break down into sugar and cause the same impact as sugar does. Be particularly mindful of carbohydrates that stick to your teeth. 

Spirits: Many of us look forward to a good holiday cocktail or a warm hot toddy at the end of a freezing cold day, but making a frequent habit of savouring your favourite spirit can increase tooth sensitivities and cavities. This goes for sodas, fruit juices and energy drinks too. 

Stress: Whether you are losing sleep over your social calendar or last minute gift shopping, that stress has the potential to impact your teeth. Not only can stress lead to poor diet choices, but it can also cause sleep issues which may put you at risk of jaw pain, teeth grinding and dry mouth. 

Beyond the four S’s, remember to travel with your toothbrush and floss in tow, carve out enough time for a good night’s sleep and take some enjoyable winter walks to keep your body moving and strong all holiday season long. If you plan to hosting a holiday party, offer tooth-friendly snacks like cheese which will neutralize acidity from sugar, and nuts which will strengthen your teeth. And keep in mind; if you can’t brush your teeth right after eating the tempting holiday treats, try drinking some water to help remove the lingering sugars in your mouth.

If you want to be pro-active about your oral health, we recommend calling our team now to reserve your 2020 dental cleanings. Call us now at 613-746-6666 or email our team at 



November 21, 2019 Uncategorized

Are you wondering what exactly is included in your private dental care plan in Canada? While we wish we could give you a straightforward answer, the reality is that dental insurance plans vary greatly from one person to the next. Depending on your budget, needs and preferences, dental care plans can cover either only the basic services you’ll need to maintain your oral health, or complete reconstructive surgery. 

We might not be able to pinpoint exactly what your plan will cover, but we can help you understand the four basic categories that you’ll often find mentioned in dental insurance plans: basic, comprehensive basic, major services and orthodontic services. 

Basic dental care includes preventative services such as cleanings and X-rays. This means that you’ll be able to have your teeth cleaned and scanned for any potential cavities, but will not be covered if you require these cavities to be filled.

Comprehensive basic care includes procedures such as root canals and fillings. This is typically the area where most people like to be covered, as these services can come at a higher cost than cleanings.

Major services cover restorative care such as crowns, bridges and dentures. Being covered for these procedures is a wise idea, as they are – as their name suggests – a major undertaking, and can often result in an unplanned and expensive visit to the dentist’s office if you are not insured.

Orthodontic services is a specialized field of dentistry that handles the diagnosis, prevention and correction of misaligned teeth and jaws. Braces would fall under this category, as would occlusion and dentistry that focuses on correcting your bite alignment. 

Some dental insurance plans will only cover you in some of the areas listed above, while others will cover all. It is also important to check whether you have a deductible and how much you are insured for in each category – you will either see a monetary amount or percentage listed.

Note that cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening are not usually covered by dental insurance, although certain services mentioned above could inadvertently improve your teeth’s aesthetics, such as replacement of defective fillings in the front teeth and their ability to improve discolouration.

Give us a call at 613-746-6666 to discuss your needs today, and if you have dental insurance we can submit a predetermination that will help you understand what fees your insurance company will assist you with.


October 10, 2019 Uncategorized

Regardless of how old you are, the month of October is known to be hard on your teeth. From those spooky pumpkin buckets of lollipops everywhere you go to the giant stockpile of treats you’ve bought in advance for your trick-or-treaters, the month of October is infamous for wreaking havoc on your teeth.

But don’t be scared! We have some easy solutions to keep you and your family cavity-free this Halloween. A little bit of self-control and some effective candy sorting goes a long way. The best part? We actually prefer your binge! Eating your daily candy portion all at once and then brushing right away is much better for your teeth than grazing on candy all day long, which repetitively exposes your teeth to the harmful effects of sugar.

Step 1: Avoid and Limit the Worst Treats for your Teeth

If you are a closet jawbreaker junkie, this might be easier said than done, but limiting your intake of these particular candies that are known to hurt your teeth is the first step in a healthy Halloween:
Candies that are sticky/chewy including caramels that glue sugars to your teeth and can pull out old fillings.
Candies that are hard, which can literally break your teeth (they aren’t called jawbreakers without reason).
Candies that linger in your mouth too long such as suckers; the longer they are in your mouth, the more damage the sugar can do!

Step 2: Opt for Eating and Giving out Healthier Treats like

You can be a part of our collective oral healthiness! All you have to do it hand out treats such as the ones listed below, that are less likely to gravely impact your teeth.

Granola bars
Cereal bars
Plain chocolate bars
Or…give out pencils, stickers, temporary tattoos instead!

Step 3: Try to Avoid Tooth Pain Post-Halloween

So, you’ve successfully conquered Halloween without overindulging in the sticky and hard candies, but you still fear the onslaught of tooth pain? Here are a few more easy tips to avoid tooth pain after Halloween:

Don’t forget to brush brush brush and floss, floss, floss. You can definitely brush more than the typically recommended two times a day when candy is involved!

If a toothbrush isn’t available, at least be sure to rinse out your mouth with water to help flush out some of the lingering sugars.
Remember…safety always comes first – check each candy before you or your children eat it.

Wondering if that tooth sensitivity might be a result of your overindulgence at Halloween? Perhaps you are experiencing the scariest part of Halloween, right inside your mouth. If that’s the case, call our team at Dr. Syed right now to schedule an appointment. We are here to help!


September 12, 2019 Uncategorized

Every year when September rolls around, people start to return to their routines and healthy habits after a long summer of fun. While we spend time taking care of our teeth every single day, it is easy to forget the essentials after long summer vacation and a break from the habits that keep your teeth and gums healthy. Today’s blog is designed as a ‘refresher’ on your oral health for both you and your kids!

Brush for 2 minutes, twice a day: This is essential and should be done once in the morning and once in the evening using a fluoride-based toothpaste. If your bathroom is big enough, brush together as a family and make it fun by playing music. Never go to sleep without brushing your teeth! It is easy to forget, especially after long hard days at work and school, but it is pivotal to maintain your oral health.

Floss once a day: Carry floss in your purse, your pocket, or your backpack to remind yourself to take a floss break any time of the day. It’s even better if you can get into a flossing routine where you floss each time you brush. Perhaps you and your family just add flossing to your daily brushing party (consider purchasing the kid-friendly floss holders to make it easier on the little ones).



Eat a diet that favors your mouth, teeth, and gums: This would include whole grains, vegetables, and dairy products and limit processed foods and sugary foods. Consider this when packing your kids lunches for school every day and opt for snacks like cheese, milk, yogurt, and fruit.

Avoid cigarettes: It is no surprise that smoking will increase your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer but, if you can’t quit “cold turkey”, at least try limiting the number of cigarettes you smoke each day and be sure to speak to your physician for additional guidance and advice.

Stay hydrated: Drinking water is SO essential in maintaining your oral health. Reach for a glass of water after you eat to cleanse your mouth and all the food particles lurking inside of it. Send your kids to school and yourself to work with a reusable water bottle that you can refill throughout the day.

Reduce sugary drinks: While staying hydrated is essential, it is also good to avoid drinks that stain and strain your teeth and gums. From wine to juice to coffee to soda pops, try to limit these as much as possible to protect your teeth. When you do reach for these types of beverages, use a straw.

Book regular dental visits: The easiest way to remember to go to the dentist for your cleanings is to book in advance, for you and your kids, and there is no time like the present to schedule in those appointments. Call our team now at 613-746-6666 or book online here.

Following these basic oral health guidelines can help prevent everything from oral sores to oral cancer, tooth decay, tooth loss, and cavities. If you have any questions about how to take great care of your teeth or are ready to book your appointments, email our team today at


August 15, 2019 Uncategorized

For most Canadians, summer is a season to look forward to throughout the year. We can finally get active outside, enjoy the warmer weather and savor delicious icy treats. While it’s personally one of our favorite seasons, summertime can also wreak havoc on our patients’ oral health due to the changes of routine that come along with being on holiday, and, the safety hazards involved with outdoor sports. Read on to learn how to maintain your dental health throughout the final dog days of summer.

Limit Your Sugar Intake 

Did you know that sugar is one of the leading causes of tooth decay? Unfortunately, this means that ice cream – most people’s favorite summer treat – isn’t the best food choice when it comes to maintaining oral health. Consider opting for sugar-free or low-sugar ice cream instead of the regular variety. If you can’t find alternatives, try to avoid add-ons like caramel or syrup and brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after consuming ice cream to remove sugars from your enamel.

Don’t Mistake Your Teeth For Tools

We all have that one friend who opens a bottle of beer with their teeth at a summer barbecue. While it might initially seem like an entertaining party trick, using your teeth as a tool can be incredibly harmful and expensive to repair in the event of a chip or crack. 

Stay Safe While Having Fun Outdoors

Summer is the season for soccer, football and more. Even if you’re not playing a contact sport, use a mouthguard to protect your teeth during outdoor activity to avoid any impromptu trips to the dentist’s office as a result of injuries. Likewise, stay conscious of safety at the pool – especially when it comes to children. They’re easily susceptible to slipping and hitting their teeth on outdoor pools’ concrete ledges. To avoid this, we suggest giving your kids a list of rules to follow (#1 being: no running!) to avoid injury.

Establish a Routine

It’s all too easy to forget about brushing and flossing while you’re on summer vacation and not adhering to your typical year-round routine. Without the structure of school or work, many of us can easily skip our usual dental hygiene steps in the morning and evening without even realizing it. Stay conscious of this by taking care of your teeth first thing in the morning, and right before you go to sleep. 

In need of a check-up before you head off on your end of summer holidays? Give us a call at 613-746-6666 to book your appointment.


July 11, 2019 Uncategorized


Despite tooth enamel is one of the most durable tissues in the human body, chipped teeth are a common occurrence and can happen for a variety of reasons, such as trauma to the mouth or biting down on something particularly hard. Sometimes these situations can be prevented if appropriate precautions are taken such as wearing a protective mouthguard during sports or wearing a bruxism appliance (a.k.a. nightguard) if you clench or grind your teeth while you sleep. While the initial chip might be alarming, there really is no need to panic. Dentists are able to restore the tooth to its natural appearance, usually in one visit. 


  • Call your dentist right away to reserve an appointment.
  • If necessary, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen in order to relieve any discomfort.
  • Sometimes chips can cause a sharp or rough edge on the tooth. To prevent further injury to your tongue or cheek, cover the area with a piece of wax paraffin or sugar-free chewing gum.


Your dentist will first assess your tooth for any signs of trauma or mobility, and an x-ray may be required to rule out any possibility of root fracture. If it is just a small chip, the tooth can typically be repaired within one visit with a simple filling (bonding) or by being polished to smooth out jagged edges. 


Bonding is a relatively simple and comfortable procedure that often does not require freezing the area. This is good news to those who are afraid of needles! To begin the process, your dentist will use a shade guide to determine the right shade of composite resin to match your natural tooth color, then will gently roughen the surface of your chipped tooth and apply a liquid to allow the bonding agent to stick. The tooth-colored composite resin will then be applied and molded to your tooth and hardened with ultraviolet light. Once completely hardened, your dentist will shape and smooth the new filling to blend in seamlessly with your smile. With most procedures only taking from 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll be done in no time.

Have you recently chipped a tooth? Dr. Syed has extensive experience in treating chips of all kinds, ranging from mild to severe. Give our office a call today to learn more about how we can help and your options for treatment.



May 27, 2019 Uncategorized

Did you know that pregnancy can have an impact on your oral health?

Do you know how to care for your teeth during pregnancy?

Did you know that babies start to develop teeth during the first few months of pregnancy?

From the second to the eighth month of pregnancy, there are major shifts in hormone levels which can trigger gingivitis, a precursor to gum disease. In fact, progesterone levels can increase by ten times their normal levels when you are expecting. Moreover, nausea and vomiting and the sugary cravings that accompany many pregnancies can wreak havoc on your teeth.  While not all pregnant women experience gum disease and tooth decay, there is a direct connection between hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy and overall oral health. The good news? These conditions typically resolve themselves once the baby is born, and you are unlikely to have major dental issues if you already have great oral hygiene prior to becoming pregnant.

“Inflamed gums result from changes in mouth bacteria that feed on the extra hormones secreted during pregnancy, and in the overall increase in fluid levels in the body as the pregnancy progresses,” says Dr. Arthur Worth, ODA President.  “Regular professional dental cleanings and the patient’s personal home care are key to reducing the inflammation that can occur during pregnancy and the chances of developing severe gingivitis – tell your dentist if you are pregnant and if you have observed any changes in your oral health.” – Arthur Worth, Ontario Dental Association President

What to Look Out for During Pregnancy

  • Gums that look inflamed or swollen
  • Gums that bleed when you brush
  • Dry Mouth or increased saliva in mouth
  • Red nodules near your upper gum line and around your mouth

Visiting Your Dentist During Pregnancy

  • Book a dental exam during your first three months of pregnancy and tell your dentist if you are expecting.
  • Schedule a dental cleaning (or multiple cleanings) throughout your pregnancy to reduce the risk of gum disease.
  • Book essential dental work (fillings, crowns etc) during your second trimester or after the birth of your child.
  • Reschedule any dental x-rays until after the birth of your child.

Self-Care for your Teeth During Pregnancy

  • Curb those pregnancy cravings as much as you can by limiting sugary foods and drinks.
  • Continue to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed.
  • If you have a lot of nausea and especially vomiting, be sure to rinse thoroughly with water to reduce acid damage.
  • Floss every day.
  • Use a fluoride-based toothpaste.
  • Stay hydrated to combat dry mouth.
  • Avoid antibiotics or sedatives.

Are you pregnant or planning to get pregnant? Book an appointment with our team at Dr. Syed Dentistry today to learn how you can protect your own oral health and the oral health of your baby.


May 3, 2019 Uncategorized

What to Expect at your New Patient Exam

For many people, visiting the dentist can be an anxiety-inducing, or even scary experience, especially if you have had a bad experience in the past or if you’ve never been to the dentist before. Sometimes, simply understanding what will happen at your new patient exam is enough to ease those worries and inspire a positive and even enjoyable first trip to the dentist.

Step 1: Introductions

Your new patient exam will begin with a friendly and compassionate introduction to your dentist. This will allow you an opportunity to share any of your concerns, provide your dentist with information about your medical history and discuss medications that may be impacting your oral health.

Step 2: Radiographs and Photographs

Following introductions, your dentist will order any necessary radiographs (also known as x-rays) in order to be able to examine and assess areas not visible to the naked eye. Your dentist will recommend which areas to take x-rays of based on your specific needs.

You will be asked to bite down on the digital sensor support while the X-rays are taken. This may be uncomfortable for some, but rarely lasts more than 7-10 seconds.  Since Dr. Syed’s office uses only digital x-ray technology, the x-rays are available immediately. Your dentist will review all of the findings with you after performing the full examination to ensure that you have a clear understanding of what is happening inside your mouth.

At Dr. Syed’s office, you will also have photographs taken to record the appearance of your teeth, face and smile.  This will help you and the dentist to address any concerns about your smile, bite and tissue structure.

Step 3: Examination of your neck region

In addition to the examination inside of your mouth, your dentist will observe and examine the area outside and around your mouth. In order to completely understand your overall oral health, your dentist will look at the following:

  • The state and functionality of your temporomandibular joint. This join connects your jaw to your skull and may be responsible for pain or tenderness in this region.
  • The overall wellbeing and condition of the bones in your face, jaw and around your mouth.

Step 4: Visual Inspection of your mouth

Following the external examination, the dentist will visually inspect your mouth. The dentist will inform you of everything they are about to do and warn you if anything will feel uncomfortable or unusual. Using dental instruments such as a mirror, probe, and air spray (none of which will hurt!), your dentist will examine inside your mouth for the following:

  • Damaged, missing or failing restorations
  • Any signs of cavities
  • Gum conditions, specifically looking for periodontal pockets, inflammation or other signs of gum disease (which can lead to tooth and bone loss)
  • Conditions of previous dental work such as root canals, bridges and crowns
  • Signs of mouth or throat cancer such as white lesions or blocked salivary glands as a part of an oral cancer screen.
  • Suspicious growths or cysts, if any
  • The location and positioning of your teeth (e.g., spacing, bite)
  • Signs of clenching or teeth grinding


Step 5: Follow up and Next Appointment

Your dentist will take the final few moments of your new patient exam to discuss their findings with you, answer any questions you may have, and make a plan to meet your specific oral health care needs. The entire appointment typically lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Now that you know exactly what to expect from your new patient exam at the dentist, it is time to go ahead and reserve your appointment. Our team at Dr. Syed’s office pride ourselves on our compassionate, friendly and professional environment and would be happy to take you through this experience. Call us now to book your first trip to the dentist!



Call us now if you are experiencing a dental emergency,
we will respond swiftly and be happy to assist you.


Copyright Dr. Sara Syed Dentistry. All rights reserved.